Monday, September 20, 2010

Tips on Passing the NCLEX exam.


Passing the NCLEX exam is not easy but good preparation can ensure success.Follow these simple tips and see the real result.

1.Buy an NCLEX reviewers and take practice test.A used one will do or better yet if you can buy one from anyone you know who have already passed the test. A few questions a day on your junior years till your last years in nursing will accumulate.You will be amazed how much you have learn from the just reading the rationale of the answers.Used the actual NCLEX reviewers if you can. Mosbys and Lippincott RN-NCLEX.
Practice answering the questions,read the rationale of each answers and it will retain better. Questions are based on actual test so that the probability of you seeing those  questions will be on your favor.Practicing the test while you're still in school allows you to get help from your teachers while they are still there.
Use more than one reference for review information,practice answering  as many questions as possible before your test. It will retain better and longer if you will read and practice early. See your strength and weaknesses while you are practicing the test. If you want to be confident during the actual test,you got to answer as many questions as you can before you take the Test.

Review Guide for RN Pre-Entrance Exam

Find opportunities in clinical and be assertive.Learn concepts hands on while you are in school.You will remember more them better when you study.During clinical practice study the patients labs works and other diagnostic procedure done.Learn the values and why the abnormal ones. This is the time to ask your instructors. See what  medications your patients are taking.Take  time to study their therapeutic and side effects.Find out why they are taking it.You will see these medication many times in your future practice and you will be more confident giving those medications knowing what they are for and what  their side effects are.Learning more of these while you are in school will help you well in your test.If you are not sure of a concept,make an effort to learn and understand it. As you go further,you will eventually understand better and clearer.
Take a 265 questions at a time. That is the maximum number of question of the actual NCLEX test.See how you improve as you take the practice test. If your score are below 50% ,do not worry.All you need is study more. The test is computerized,so if you can practice on the CD ROM that will give you more practice too.. Attend online reviews if you can.Take review classes aside from you school.
Learn how to calculate your medication
 All there is to pass your NCLEX Test  is to study and study as much as you can days or even months before your test.

Relax before the day of the exam.Get a good night sleep.Get up early,eat a good breakfast. Your brain needs energy so make sure you have enough to use for the test. Arrive early to the testing center. This give you time to take a breath and familiairze yourself with the place.

During th test,take time to complete the turtorial even you you already are confident on how to use it. It is normal to be anxious. This is a major test so take a nice deep breath, relax and calm yourself. Take you time. The lesser question you answer right the lesser time you will be in that testing room.If you have to answer more questions,do not be anxious. Stay calm. Being calm will keep you focus on the question. The more focus you are,the chances of passing is high.